Spam-proof email addresses on web sites

Over the weekend, I cobbled together another handy javascript method for foiling evil spam bots, whilst making life easy for web developers. The script below enables you to change the subject of the email as you go as well – you could add other variables like a link title too if you wished. Functions are very useful devices!

Firstly, the content of email.js:

function sibaem(subject) {
var username = "emailprefixhere";
var domain = "";
var atsign = "@";
var address = username + atsign + domain;
document.write('<' + 'a' + ' ' + 'href=' + '"mailto:' + address + '?Subject=' + subject + '">');

Save the above as email.js in your scripts folder and link to it in the head of your document like this:

<script src="scripts/email.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Then in the body of the document, call the function with the following code where you want an email to appear, for example:

<script type="text/javascript">
sibaem( "Website enquiry" );
document.write ( 'email me</a>' );
</script><noscript><a href='contact_form.php' title='Complete my contact form'>contact me</a></noscript>

If you wish to make the user changeable and for the email address to be visible to the human eye on your site, here’s the content of email.js:

function sibaem(username, subject) {
var domain = "";
var atsign = "@";
var address = username + atsign + domain;
document.write('<' + 'a' + ' ' + 'href=' + '"mailto:' + address + '?Subject=' + subject + '">' + address + '</a>');

and here’s what goes in the body:

<script type="text/javascript">
sibaem( "youremailusername, Website enquiry" );
</script><noscript><a href='contact_form.php' title='Complete my contact form'>contact me</a></noscript>